13 Health Forms Every Medical Professional Needs

You know what they say— health is wealth. Our health affects every single thing we do–every single day.

Patients turn to medical practices for support with a wide variety of health and wellbeing issues, and expect high-quality professionals, facilities, and care. Patient experience matters —whether that’s your smiling specialists or comprehensive hospital forms.

That’s why streamlining medical processes and providing comprehensive, personalized, and effective healthcare should be the top priority of every medical practice.

In order to provide your patients with excellent medical care, you need accessible, easy-to-use medical health forms that you can adapt to your practice’s and patients’ needs.

Enable quality communication, minimize error, and save valuable time with our customizable online medical form templates at 123FormBuilder. Here are our top 13 sample health forms to automate and improve your medical practice.

Let’s dive right in.

1. Authorization for Disclosure of Protected Health Information Form

authorization for disclosure of protected health information

Who needs this?

Doctors, nurses, and medical receptionists that work with sensitive patient information need to make sure they have the proper documentation to correctly follow compliance procedures.

What’s it for?

An authorization for disclosure of PHI form is a detailed document that gives relevant parties permission to disclose a patient’s protected health information with the informed consent of the individual.

This written document includes the details of the medical care provider, the patient’s name, the date, the description of the medical records to be released, and the relevant health information.

Key benefits:

2. Child Health Surve y Form

child health survey form

Who needs this?

Pediatricians, GPs, and other medical professionals that work with children need a survey form to collect information on a child’s health history.

What’s it for?

A child health survey is used to assess the behavior and health condition of a child. It includes questions about their physical health and temperament—all scored on a Likert scale.

Key benefits:

3. Health Assessment Questionnair e

health assessment questionnaire

Who needs this?

Doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals need a solid health assessment form. It builds the foundation for all future care and makes sure that you have the necessary information to work in a compliant manner.

What’s it for?

This health assessment questionnaire is used to gather data about your patients in order to understand their medical history, current issues, and future treatment needs.

This health form assesses and measures the patient’s degree of difficulty in performing daily living activities. It can be used in the medical registration process, to measure the effects of treatment drugs, to study the progression of an illness over time, or all of the above.

Key benefits:

4. Health Checklis t Form

health checklist form

Who needs this?

Veterinarians need a good health checklist on hand in their office. It is essential for keeping your client’s information organized and readily available for an appointment.

What’s it for?

A health checklist form provides pet owners with a user-friendly pet health checklist that enables you to to accurately understand the reason for the visit and the pet’s medical history.

It includes a section for further questions and comments to make sure you have a complete understanding of the issues.

Key benefits:

5. Health Evaluatio n Form

health evaluation form

Who needs this?

Patients use this form to disclose information about their current health and wellbeing from their perspective. These forms can help your doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals to understand a patient’s concerns and reasons for seeking healthcare.

What’s it for?

This evaluation form is an extensive questionnaire used to gain insight into your patient’s health status and history. It includes customizable sections that ask about reasons for seeking healthcare, general questions addressing current medical care, and a self-assessment of health conditions.

Key benefits:

6. Health Insurance Clai m Form

health insurance claim form

Who needs this?

Every healthcare organization can benefit from a good health insurance claim form template. Whether you are a hospital, a clinic, or a private practice—you need an efficient way for patients to submit a claim to their insurance company.

What’s it for?

This form is used by a patient to file a health insurance claim after an appointment at your practice. It enables them to ask the insurance company to cover the cost of the medical service provided.

This form simplifies the process and ensures you’ve got all the details necessary to collect payments in a timely manner.

Key benefits:

7. Health Insurance Evaluation Surve y

health insurance evaluation survey

Who needs this?

A health insurance evaluation survey is used by medical insurance providers and medical practices to gain insights into the patient’s experience and satisfaction with their insurance provider and options.

What’s it for?

This form is used to survey the patient’s experience with your health insurance services with boxes for detailed and specific answers in order to maximize client retention and satisfaction.

Key benefits:

8. Health Insurance Informatio n Form

health insurance information form

Who needs this?

Medical offices need organized health insurance information forms to keep track of patients’ health insurance details.

What’s it for?

This form is used to gather insurance information on patients at your practice. It includes sections for patients and their dependents, and enables you to verify whether a patient has the required coverage

Key benefits:

9. Health Insurance Marketplace Statemen t Form

health insurance marketplace

Who needs this?

Healthcare insurance providers need this form whenever an insurance policy is sold on a health insurance marketplace.

What’s it for?

A health insurance marketplace statement form is used to communicate the details of a health insurance plan purchased via a health insurance marketplace. This form includes recipient information, covered individuals, and general coverage information.

Key benefits:

10. Health Screenin g Form

health screening form

Who needs this?

A proper health screening form is an essential form for healthcare receptionists at any medical care facility. No matter what kind of care you are providing, it is important to fully understand patients and their history.

What’s it for?

Health screening forms are used to thoroughly gather patient information and identify any pre-existing conditions. This form includes a patient’s personal and medical information, as well as sections to include relevant details on close relatives.

Key benefits:

11. Health Survey

health survey

Who needs this?

A health survey template is a must for doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals at small and medium-sized practices, as well as larger healthcare organizations

What’s it for?

This health survey is used to gather general health information from patients at a medical practice to improve the functional health improvement programs on offer.

Key benefits:

12. Massage Health Histor y Form

massage health history form

Who needs this?

A massage health history form is important for massage therapists to have on hand. No matter the size of your practice or clinic, it’s essential to know your patient’s health issues in order to provide proper treatment and care.

What’s it for?

This form asks for a general medical history to make sure it is safe for a patient to receive massage therapy. This massage health history form gathers patient details, information about the patient’s past massage experiences, and problem areas that require consideration.

Key benefits:

13. Mental Health Intak e Form

mental health intake form

Who needs this?

Healthcare practices that provide mental health care need a comprehensive intake form to collect information on incoming patients. A mental health intake form helps to streamline the new patient process and determine a patient’s well-being upon arrival.

What’s it for?

This form is used to collect relevant data on mental health patients during the intake process. It includes sections on background information, basic medical history, day-to-day functioning capabilities, therapist information, and treatment goals.

Key benefits:

Transform your Medical Health Forms with 123FormBuilder

These days, providing high-quality healthcare can be complicated enough. Between accurate diagnosis and treatments and all the paperwork to go with it—it’s no wonder you’re looking for ways to simplify your processes.

Lucky for you, 123FormBuilder offers an intuitive, quick solution.

With the easy-to-use, intuitive, and fully customizable health form templates from 123FormBuilder, creating, building, and organizing your medical forms has never been easier. Confidently boost your day-to-day operations and minimize your paperwork stress with these 13 essential medical health forms.

Medical Health Forms: Frequently Asked Questions

What should be included in a medical form?

A typical medical health form should include a comprehensive summary of a patient’s details and medical history. This includes allergies, current or past medications, previous injuries, any illness, family history of illness, and a record of any previous hospital visits.

Why are health forms important?

Health forms are important for enabling healthcare providers to understand patient needs and offer personalized patient care.

Access to accurate and up-to-date healthcare information is essential for healthcare professionals to provide an informed diagnosis and treatment plan for the patients in their care.