The Statute of Autonomy of the Basque Country (Spain [es])

OUP reference: OCW CD 865 (ES-bas) Content type: National legislation, Current constitutions Product: Oxford Constitutions of the World [OCW] Jurisdiction: Basque Country Originating from: Spain [es] Date in force: 22 December 1979 Date enacted: 18 December 1979 Date published: 22 December 1979

Official Bulletin

From: Oxford Constitutions ( (c) Oxford University Press, 2023. All Rights 11 September 2024

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Article 1.—The Basque People or “Euskal-Herria”, as an expression of their nationality and in order to accede to self-government, constitute an Autonomous Community within the Spanish State under the name of “Euskadi” or the Basque Country, in accordance with the Constitution and with this Statute, which lays down its basic institutional rules. Article 2.— 1. Alava, Guipúzcoa and Vizcaya, and also Navarra, are entitled to form part of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country. 2. The territory of the Autonomous Community shall comprise the Historic.

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