About Fatal Injury Data

Fatal Injury Data from the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS), CDC's National Center for Health Statistics, is available in the following WISQARS™ modules.

Provisional Data

Visit CDC's fatal injury trends to find the number of deaths due to unintentional injuries such as drowning, falls, and motor vehicle injuries by month and year, including the most recent provisional data available.

Where the data comes from

Mortality Data

The mortality data reported in WISQARS comes from death certificate data reported to CDC&s National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). NCHS collects, compiles, verifies, and prepares these data for release to the public. The process takes approximately 13 months after the end of a given year.

Population Estimates

WISQARS's population estimates of the resident population of the United States for a given year are produced by the U.S. Census Bureau under a collaborative arrangement with the NCHS.

Please note that postcensal population estimates are updated annually, which means that fatal injury rates from WISQARS prior to the update may be different.

Race and Ethnicity

From data year 2001 to 2020, WISQARS used bridged race categories: White, Black, American Indian/Alaska Native, and Asian/Pacific Islander.

Beginning with data year 2018, WISQARS' fatal injury modules include data for the current U.S. Census Bureau's six single race categories: White, Black or African American, American Indian or Alaskan Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, and More than One Race.

When exploring fatal data, users have the option to choose one of the following categories depending on the data year(s) and race categories they wish to view:

No Race Categories (available for data years 2001-present):

Bridged Race Category (available for data years 2001-2020):

Single Race Categories (available for data years 2018-present):

Data collection methods

The mortality statistics in WISQARS fatal injury modules are based on codes in the International Classification of Disease-10th Revision (ICD-10). ICD-10 is used in various countries worldwide for coding death. The ICD-10 codes include code sets for

The numbers of deaths by external cause of injury were determined using the underlying cause of death codes from the annual mortality data file of CDC' National Vital Statistics System.

For more information, visit the NCHS web page on mortality data.

What the data includes

Data on more than 20 causes of injury among different populations and geographic locations can be explored in WISQARS™.

Users can search, sort, and view fatal injury data and create reports, charts, and maps based on the following:

How the data benefits public health

Researchers, the media, federal, state, and local public health professionals, and the public can use WISQARS™ fatal data to:
